@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
import com.dassault_systemes.enovia.enterprisechangemgt.common.ChangeAction;
import com.matrixone.apps.cpd.json.JSONObject;
import com.matrixone.apps.domain.util.*;
import matrix.db.Context;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class AegChange_mxJPO {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AegChange_mxJPO.class.getName());
private static final SimpleDateFormat NEW_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd",Locale.getDefault());
private static final SimpleDateFormat ORIGINAL_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a", Locale.US);
public void getPersonInfo(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception {
String TitleValue = "";
String DateValue = "";
String ChangeActionId = "";
String PersonName = "";
String ChineseName = "";
String InboxTaskId = args[0];
String getObjectRouteType = "print bus " + InboxTaskId + " select from[Route Task].to.to[Object Route].from.type from[Route Task].to.to[Object Route].from.id dump | ";
String objectRouteType = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getObjectRouteType);
LOGGER.info("isChangeAction === > " + objectRouteType);
String[] caInfo = objectRouteType.split("\\|");
if(caInfo.length == 2){
String isChangeAction = caInfo[0];
String caID = caInfo[1];
if("Change Action".equals(isChangeAction)){
LOGGER.info("isChangeAction ===> " + isChangeAction);
LOGGER.info("caID ====> " + caID);
ChangeAction changeAction = new ChangeAction(caID);
MapList mapList = changeAction.getRealizedChanges(context);
Boolean isDrawingFlag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < mapList.size(); i++) {
Map map = (Map) mapList.get(i);
if ("Drawing".equals(map.get("type"))) {
isDrawingFlag = true;
LOGGER.info("isDrawingFlag ===> " + isDrawingFlag);
if (isDrawingFlag) {
// 获取数据为 : CA的ID 、 审批人的中文 、 该节点所属人 、 该节点实际完成时间 、 该节点的审批人
String getInfo = "print bus " + InboxTaskId + " select from[Route Task].to.to[Object Route].from.id attribute[Title] owner from[Route Task].to.from[Route Node].attribute[Actual Completion Date] from[Route Task].to.from[Route Node].attribute[Title] dump |";
String inboxInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getInfo);
LOGGER.info("inboxInfo ==> " + inboxInfo);
String[] splitInfo = inboxInfo.split("\\|");
if (splitInfo.length > 3) {
ChangeActionId = splitInfo[0];
if (!splitInfo[1].isEmpty() && splitInfo[1].contains("@")){
TitleValue = splitInfo[1].split("@")[0];
if (!splitInfo[1].isEmpty() && !splitInfo[2].isEmpty()) {
String Title = splitInfo[1];
PersonName = splitInfo[2];
for (int i = 3 + (splitInfo.length - 3)/2; i < splitInfo.length; i++) {
if (Title.equals(splitInfo[i])) {
DateValue = splitInfo[i-(splitInfo.length-3)/2];
String getChineseName = "temp query bus Person " + PersonName + " * select attribute[Title] dump |";
String PersonNameInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getChineseName);
String[] PersonNameInfoLength = PersonNameInfo.split("\\|");
if (PersonNameInfoLength.length == 4) {
ChineseName = PersonNameInfo.split("\\|")[3];
} else {
ChineseName = PersonName;
//Processing date format
try {
Date date = ORIGINAL_DATE_FORMAT.parse(DateValue);
DateValue = NEW_DATE_FORMAT.format(date);
} catch (ParseException e) {
LOGGER.info("DateValue ==> " + DateValue);
LOGGER.info("ChineseName ==> " + ChineseName);
LOGGER.info("ChangeActionId ==> " + ChangeActionId);
LOGGER.info("TitleValue ==> " + TitleValue);
for (int i = 0; i < mapList.size(); i++) {
Map map = (Map) mapList.get(i);
String drawingId = (String) map.get("id");
if (! "Drawing".equals(map.get("type")))
Boolean isFlag = getAttrDesignInfo(context, drawingId);
if (!isFlag) {
String chineseName = getChineseName(context, drawingId);
String cnTime = getCNTime(context,drawingId);
if ("\u6279\u51c6".equals(TitleValue))
} else if ("\u8bbe\u8ba1".equals(TitleValue))
} else if ("\u6821\u5bf9".equals(TitleValue))
updateAttr(context, drawingId, "XP_Drawing_Ext.check", ChineseName, "XP_Drawing_Ext.check_date", DateValue);
} else if ("\u6807\u51c6\u5316".equals(TitleValue))
updateAttr(context, drawingId, " XP_Drawing_Ext.standard", ChineseName, "XP_Drawing_Ext.standard_date", DateValue);
} else if ("\u5de5\u827a".equals(TitleValue))
updateAttr(context, drawingId, "XP_Drawing_Ext.technique", ChineseName, "XP_Drawing_Ext.technique_date", DateValue);
public void updateAttr(Context context,String drawingId, String personNameKey, String personNameValue, String attrDateKey, String arrDateValue) throws FrameworkException {
String updateAttrName = "modify bus " + drawingId + " " + personNameKey + " " + personNameValue + " " + attrDateKey + " " + arrDateValue ;
LOGGER.info("updateAttName === >" + updateAttrName);
public Boolean getAttrDesignInfo(Context context, String drawingId) throws FrameworkException {
String getDesignInfo = "print bus " +drawingId + " select Attribute[XP_Drawing_Ext.design].value dump |";
String designInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getDesignInfo);
return false;
return true;
public String getChineseName(Context context, String drawingId) throws FrameworkException {
String getUsName = "print bus " + drawingId + " select owner dump |";
String usName = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getUsName);
String getCnName = "temp query bus Person " + usName + " * select attribute[Title] dump |";
String getNameInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getCnName);
String cnName = getNameInfo.split("\\|")[3];
return cnName;
public String getCNTime(Context context, String drawingId) throws Exception {
String getUsTime = "print bus " + drawingId + " select originated dump |";
String usTime = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context,getUsTime);
Date date = ORIGINAL_DATE_FORMAT.parse(usTime);
String cnTime = NEW_DATE_FORMAT.format(date);
return cnTime;
public void updateAttrDesign(Context context, String drawingId, String drawingOwner, String drawingDate) throws FrameworkException{
String updateAttrName = "modify bus " + drawingId + " XP_Drawing_Ext.design " + drawingOwner + " XP_Drawing_Ext.design_date " + drawingDate ;
* Obtain the current status of the BOM
* @param context
* @param args
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getModalStateByJPO(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception {
String PhysicalId = args[0];
String getModalState = "temp query bus * * * where 'physicalid == " + PhysicalId + "' select current dump |";
LOGGER.info("getModalState ======> " + getModalState);
String ModalStateInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getModalState);
LOGGER.info("ModalStateInfo ======> " + ModalStateInfo);
String current = ModalStateInfo.split("\\|")[3];
LOGGER.info("current =======> " + current);
return current;
* Obtain the Chinese name of the company
* @param context
* @param args
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String getCompanyCodeCN(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception {
List<String> companyCodeCN = new ArrayList<>();
String var12 = "Range";
String var7 = "zh-CN";
String getAegCompanyCode = "print attribute AEGVPMReference.AEGcompany_code select range dump | ";
String AegCompanyCodeInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getAegCompanyCode);
LOGGER.info("AegCompanyCodeInfo ======> " + AegCompanyCodeInfo);
String[] CompanyCodeInfo = AegCompanyCodeInfo.split("\\|");
for (String part : CompanyCodeInfo) {
String CompanyCode = part.trim().substring(part.trim().indexOf(' ') + 1);
List<JSONObject> list =new ArrayList<>();
for(String companyCode : companyCodeCN){
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
String var11 = "AEGVPMReference.AEGcompany_code." + companyCode;
String companyCode_CN = EnoviaResourceBundle.getAdminI18NString(context, var12, var11, var7);
LOGGER.info("list == > " + list);
return list.toString();
* Obtain the Chinese name of the material group
* @param context
* @param args
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String GetMaterialGroupCN(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception {
String var7 = "Range";
String var12 = "zh-CN";
String getAEGMaterialGroup = "print attribute AEGVPMReference.AEGmaterial_group select range dump | ";
String AegMaterialGroup = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getAEGMaterialGroup);
LOGGER.info("AegCompanyCodeInfo ======> " + AegMaterialGroup);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
String jsonValue = "";
if(!AegMaterialGroup.isEmpty()) {
String[] MaterialGroupInfo = AegMaterialGroup.split("\\|");
System.out.println("0000000=== > " + MaterialGroupInfo.length);
String[] newMaterialGroupInfo = new String[MaterialGroupInfo.length - 1];
System.out.println("111111 === > " + MaterialGroupInfo.length);
System.arraycopy(MaterialGroupInfo, 1, newMaterialGroupInfo, 0, newMaterialGroupInfo.length);
System.out.println("222222 === > " + MaterialGroupInfo.length);
for (String part : newMaterialGroupInfo) {
String MaterialGroup = part.trim().substring(part.trim().indexOf(' ') + 1);
List<JSONObject> jsonObjectList = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("333333 === > " + MaterialGroupInfo.length);
for (String materialGroup : list) {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
String var11 = "AEGVPMReference.AEGmaterial_group." + materialGroup;
String material_group_ZH = EnoviaResourceBundle.getAdminI18NString(context, var7, var11, var12);
String companyCode = "";
System.out.println("444444444" + materialGroup);
companyCode = materialGroup.split(".")[0];
} else {
companyCode = materialGroup;
LOGGER.info("jsonObjectList == > " + jsonObjectList);
jsonValue = jsonObjectList.toString();
return jsonValue;
* Modify Bom's company code and material group
* @param context
* @param args
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String updateModalInfoByJPO(Context context, String[] args) throws Exception {
String PhysicalId = args[0];
String companyCode = args[1];
String materialGroup = args[2];
String getModalId = "temp query bus * * * where 'physicalid == " + PhysicalId + "' select id dump |";
LOGGER.info("getModalId =======> " + getModalId);
String modalInfo = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, getModalId);
LOGGER.info("modalInfo =====> " + modalInfo);
String modalId = modalInfo.split("\\|")[3];
String updateModalAttr = "modify bus " + modalId + " AEGVPMReference.AEGcompany_code " + companyCode + " AEGVPMReference.AEGmaterial_group " + materialGroup;
String isUpdateSuccess = "print bus " + modalId + " select attribute[AEGVPMReference.AEGmaterial_group].value";
String info = MqlUtil.mqlCommand(context, isUpdateSuccess);
LOGGER.info("isUpdateSuccess ===> " + info);
return info;
Reference in New Issue