define('DS/UpdateModalValue/UpdateModalValue', [ 'UWA/Core', 'DS/ApplicationFrame/Command', 'DS/ENOXEngineerCommonUtils/XENModal', 'DS/ENOXEngineerCommonUtils/xEngAlertManager', 'DS/EngineeringItemCmd/SetPartNumberCmd/setPartNumberListView', 'DS/ENOXEngineerCommonUtils/XENPlatform3DXSettings', 'DS/ENOXEngineerCommonUtils/PromiseUtils', 'DS/ENOXEngineerCommonUtils/XENCommandsAppContextProxy', 'DS/ENOXEngineerCommonUtils/XENWebInWinHelper', 'i18n!DS/EngineeringItemCmd/assets/nls/ExposedCmdsNls.json', 'css!DS/UpdateModalValue/layui/css/layui.css', 'DS/UpdateModalValue/layui/layui.all', 'text!DS/UpdateModalValue/index.html', 'DS/UpdateModalValue/layui/xmSelect' ], function ( UWA, AFRCommand, XEngineerModal, xEngAlertManager, PartNumberListView, XENPlatform3DXSettings, PromiseUtils, XENCommandsAppContextProxy, XENWebInWinHelper, nlsKeys, LayUI, laycss, testHTML, xmSelect ) { 'use strict'; //todo var SetPartNumber = AFRCommand.extend({ _setPartNumberListView: null, items: [], modal: null, transactionParameters: null, sTenentID: "OnPremise", securityContext: null, myBaseAppURL: null, init: function (options) { options = UWA.extend(options, { isAsynchronous: false }); this._parent(options); // IR-749796-3DEXPERIENCER2021x // The initialization is to early to get the app Security context to correct it // the initialization has been deplaced in isUserGranted call and the that.enable() is now check with isUserGranted // XENCommandsAppContextProxy.loadCommandsSetting(); this._initCommandPrereqs(); }, //人员验证 isUserGranted: function () { var that = this; if (this.grantingPromise) return this.grantingPromise; this.grantingPromise = PromiseUtils.wrappedWithCancellablePromise(function (resolve, reject) { XENCommandsAppContextProxy.loadCommandsSetting() .then(function (settings) { if (settings && settings.isGrantedEnterpriseExtension) { resolve(true); } else { if (XENPlatform3DXSettings.isCatiaV6Environment()) { //Setting added for IR-788376-3DEXPERIENCER2020x resolve(true); } else { reject('user is not granted'); } } }).catch(function (reason) { if (XENPlatform3DXSettings.isCatiaV6Environment()) { //Setting added for IR-788376-3DEXPERIENCER2020x resolve(true); } else { console.error(reason); reject('some failure'); } }); }); return this.grantingPromise; }, //todo 返回的值为 VPLMProjectLeader.Company Name.Common Space //该方法用处还需进一步验证 getProvidedSC: function () { if (!this.options.context || !this.options.context.getSecurityContext) return null; var _sc = this.options.context.getSecurityContext() || {}; var value = _sc.SecurityContext; if (_sc.SecurityContext) { if (value.startsWith('ctx::')) value = value.substring(5); XENPlatform3DXSettings.setDefaultSecurityContext(value); } if (_sc.tenant) { XENPlatform3DXSettings.setPlatformId(_sc.tenant); } return value; }, // 页面加载时触发 execute: function () { var that = this; XENCommandsAppContextProxy.getAppContextPromise(this).then(function (context) { var ModalPhysicalId = ""; //获取数据值 that.items = that.options.context.getSelectedNodes().map(function (item) { console.log(item); //modalValue = item.options.grid['ds6w:identifier']; ModalPhysicalId = item.getID(); console.log("==========>"); console.log(ModalPhysicalId); return { physicalId: item.getID(), name: item.getLabel(), sessionStoredEIN: (item.getSessionStoredEIN && item.getSessionStoredEIN()) ? item.getSessionStoredEIN() : undefined, partNumber: item.options.grid['ds6wg:EnterpriseExtension.V_PartNumber'] }; }); if (XENPlatform3DXSettings.isBuildSecurityContext() && XENPlatform3DXSettings.isCloud()) { var _platform = {}; var strTenentId = that.sTenentID; var sURL = that.myBaseAppURL; _platform[strTenentId] = { "3DSpace": sURL } XENPlatform3DXSettings._platforms = _platform; XENPlatform3DXSettings.setDefaultSecurityContext(that.securityContext.replace("ctx : ", "")); that._setPartNumberListView = new PartNumberListView(); that._setPartNumberListView.render(); that.showDialog(ModalPhysicalId); } else { var needSC = (!that.getProvidedSC()); XENPlatform3DXSettings.bindCommandsToABackend(needSC /* need to retrieve SC */).then(function () { that.isUserGranted().then(function () { that._setPartNumberListView = new PartNumberListView(); that._setPartNumberListView.render(); //todo that.showDialog(ModalPhysicalId); }).catch(function (reason) { xEngAlertManager.errorNotif({ title: nlsKeys.get("error.not.granted"), subtitle: nlsKeys.get(""), }); that.progressDialog.close(); }); }).catch(function (error) { console.error(error); //notify the user xEngAlertManager.unexpectedFailure(nlsKeys.get('failure.setPartNumber.cmd.launch')); that.progressDialog.close(); }) } }) }, // 向页面写具体body页面 showDialog: function (ModalPhysicalId) { let httpBaseUrl = "/3dspace/ModalInfo/"; layui.use(['form', 'jquery'], function () { var form = layui.form; var $ = layui.jquery; let layer = layui.layer; //判断当前模型是否是在工作中的状态 $.get({ url: httpBaseUrl + "GetModalState?PhysicalId=" + ModalPhysicalId, crossDomain: true, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (res) { let modalCurrentState =; console.log(modalCurrentState); if ("IN_WORK" == modalCurrentState) { //公司代码数据 var companyCodeValue = ""; //物料组数据 var AEGVPMDataValue = "";{ type: 1, title: ["物料组修改", "font-size : 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; background-color: #005685"], area: ["700px", "350px"], content: testHTML, success: function () { var companyCodeSelect = xmSelect.render({ el: '#demo1', filterable: true, radio: true, clickClose: true, data: [], toolbar: { show: true }, on: function (data) { var arr = data.arr; if (arr.length > 0) { companyCodeValue = arr[0].value; console.log(companyCodeValue); GetMaterialGroupData(materialGroupSelect, companyCodeValue) } } }) GetCompanyCodeData("GetCompanyCode", companyCodeSelect); var materialGroupSelect = xmSelect.render({ el: '#demo2', filterable: true, radio: true, clickClose: true, toolbar: { show: true }, on: function (data) { var arr = data.arr; console.log(arr); if (arr.length > 0) { AEGVPMDataValue = arr[0].material; console.log("0000000000"); console.log(AEGVPMDataValue); } } }) } }) function GetCompanyCodeData(url, companyCodeSelect) { $.get({ url: httpBaseUrl + url, crossDomain: true, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (res) { console.log(; let companyCode = JSON.parse(; companyCodeSelect.update({ data: companyCode }); } }); } function GetMaterialGroupData(materialGroupSelect, value) { $.get({ url: httpBaseUrl + "GetMaterialGroup", crossDomain: true, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (res) { let AEGVPMDataValue = JSON.parse(; let Array = []; $.each(AEGVPMDataValue, function (index, item) { let valueJson = {}; if (item.value.includes(value)) { =, valueJson.value = item.value, valueJson.material = item.material, Array.push(valueJson); } }) // console.log(Array); materialGroupSelect.update({ data: Array }); } }); } // form.on('select(companyCode)', function (data) { // let companyCodeBySelect = data.value; //获取选中的省份索引 // console.log("00000"); // console.log(companyCodeBySelect); // //清空城市选择器 // $('#MateriaGroup').empty(); // console.log("123123"); // console.log(AEGVPMData); // for (let index = 0; index < AEGVPMData.length; index++) { // console.log("234566"); // console.log(AEGVPMData[index].code); // console.log(companyCodeBySelect); // if(AEGVPMData[index].code == companyCodeBySelect){ // $('#MateriaGroup').append('') // } // } // form.render('select'); // }); $('#myButton').on('click', function (data) { console.log(data); // var selectedCompanyCode = $('#demo1').val(); // var selectedMateriaGroup = $('#demo2').val(); // console.log(ModalPhysicalId); // console.log(selectedMateriaGroup); // console.log(selectedCompanyCode); if (AEGVPMDataValue != "" && AEGVPMDataValue != null) { $.post({ url: httpBaseUrl + "UpdateModalInfo/" + ModalPhysicalId + "/" + companyCodeValue + "/" + AEGVPMDataValue, crossDomain: true, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (res) { layer.closeAll(); } }).done(function () { layer.msg('修改成功'); }) } else { layer.msg('物料组不能为空') } }); } else { layer.msg('当前模型已发布,不可更改,请联系管理员'); } } }) }) } }); return SetPartNumber; });