## 工序号 add attribute 'ProcessNumber' type string property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'ProcessNumber' property version value 1.0; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_ProcessNumber to att 'ProcessNumber'; ## 部门 add attribute 'Department' type string range = Logistics range = FrontSection range = Quality range = Process range = Implementation range = Development property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'Department' property version value 1.0 ; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_Department to att 'Department'; ## 加工工艺 add attribute 'ProcessingTechnology' type string property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'ProcessingTechnology' property version value 1.0 ; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_ProcessingTechnology to att 'ProcessingTechnology'; ## 图纸编号 add attribute 'DrawingNo' type string property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'DrawingNo' property version value 1.0 ; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_DrawingNo to att 'DrawingNo'; ## 工艺参数 add attribute 'ProcessParameters' type string property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'ProcessParameters' property version value 1.0 ; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_ProcessParameters to att 'ProcessParameters'; ## 本工序确认记录 add attribute 'ProcessRecordConfirmation' type string property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'ProcessRecordConfirmation' property version value 1.0 ; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_ProcessRecordConfirmation to att 'ProcessRecordConfirmation'; ## 添加顺序 add attribute 'Order' type integer property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'Order' property version value 1.0 ; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property attribute_Order to att 'Order'; ## 检移票类型 add type 'CheckPOC' abstract false attribute Department attribute ProcessingTechnology attribute DrawingNo attribute ProcessParameters attribute ProcessRecordConfirmation property application value Framework property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'CheckPOC' property 'installed date' value '08-10-2016' property version value 1.0; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property type_CheckPOC to type 'CheckPOC'; ## 关联关系 Part 与 检移票 add relationship 'POCToProcess' description 'POCToProcess' attribute Order from meaning '' from cardinality many from revision replicate from clone replicate from type 'Part' to meaning '' to cardinality many to revision none to clone none to type 'CheckPOC' to propagateconnection preventduplicates property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '08/10/2016 12:00:00 PM' property installer value sx property 'original name' value 'POCToProcess' property version value V6R2015x; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property relationship_POCToProcess to relationship 'POCToProcess'; ## POC的table add table 'TBLPoc' system description 'TBLPoc table' column label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessNumber' name 'ProcessNumber' setting 'Width' '5' setting 'Column Type' 'program' setting 'function' 'getProcessNumber' setting 'program' 'SxChange' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' column label 'emxSxCentral.Label.Department' businessobject '$' name 'Department' setting 'Editable' 'false' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' column label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessingTechnology' businessobject '$' name 'ProcessingTechnology' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' column label 'emxSxCentral.Label.DrawingNo' businessobject '$' name 'DrawingNo' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' column label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessParameters' businessobject '$' name 'ProcessParameters' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' column label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessRecordConfirmation' businessobject '$' name 'ProcessRecordConfirmation' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '08/20/2016 12:00:00 PM' property installer value ENOVIAEngineering property 'original name' value TBLPoc property version value V6R2015x; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property table_TBLPoc to table TBLPoc system; ## 检移票按钮 add command 'CheckPOC' description 'CheckPOC' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.CheckPOC' href ${COMMON_DIR}/emxIndentedTable.jsp?field=TYPES=CheckPOC&table=TBLPoc&program=SxChange:getPocId&toolbar=POCToolbar&editLink=true' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '09/08/2015 12:00:00 PM' property installer value dastc property 'original name' value CheckPOC property version value V6R2015x; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property command_CheckPOC to command CheckPOC; ## modify menu "type_Part" add command CheckPOC; ##添加 增加创建的form表单 add form AddPOCInfo web type 'CheckPOC' field businessobject '$' multiline false edit false name 'Name' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.Name' setting 'Editable' 'false' setting 'Field Type' 'basic' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Required' 'true' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' setting 'Validate' 'isBadNameChars' field businessobject '$' multiline false name 'Department' edit 'false' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.Department' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Field Type' 'programHTMLOutput' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' setting 'Admin Type' 'attribute_Department' setting 'AttributelinkProcessingTechnology' 'ProcessingTechnology' setting 'function' 'getDepartmentInfo' setting 'program' 'SxChange' setting 'Update Function' 'updateDepartmentInfo' setting 'Update Program' 'SxChange' field businessobject '$' multiline false edit false name 'ProcessingTechnology' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessingTechnology' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' setting 'Field Type' 'programHTMLOutput' setting 'AttributelinkParent' 'Department' setting 'Admin Type' 'attribute_ProcessingTechnology' setting 'function' 'getProcessingTechnology' setting 'program' 'SxChange' setting 'Update Function' 'updateProcessingTechnology' setting 'Update Program' 'SxChange' field businessobject '$' multiline false edit false name 'DrawingNo' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.DrawingNo' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' field businessobject '$' multiline false edit false name 'ProcessParameters' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessParameters' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' field businessobject '$' multiline false edit false name 'ProcessRecordConfirmation' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.ProcessRecordConfirmation' setting 'Editable' 'true' setting 'Field Type' 'attribute' setting 'Input Type' 'textbox' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' nothidden property application value Framework property 'installed date' value 09-01-2016 property installer value sx property 'original name' value AddPOCInfo property version value 1.0; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property form_AddPOCInfo to form AddPOCInfo; ##policy 生命周期 add policy 'PocPolicy' description 'PocPolicy' type 'CheckPOC' state 'Create' sequence '-' property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '06/26/2016 12:00:00 PM' property installer value dastc property 'original name' value 'PocPolicy' property state_Create value Create property version value R215; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property policy_PocPolicy to policy 'PocPolicy'; ### toolbar add menu 'POCToolbar' description 'POCToolbar' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.POCToolbar' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '09/08/2015 12:00:00 PM' property installer value sx property 'original name' value POCToolbar property version value V6R2015x; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property menu_POCToolbar to menu POCToolbar; ### 添加检移票按钮 add command 'AddPOC' description 'AddPOC' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.AddPOC' href '${COMMON_DIR}/emxCreate.jsp?nameField=autoName&form=AddPOCInfo&policy=PocPolicy&header=emxEngineeringCentral.PartCreate.FormHeader&type=CheckPOC&submitAction=treeContent&relationship=relationship_POCToProcess' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '09/08/2015 12:00:00 PM' property installer value dastc property 'original name' value AddPOC property version value V6R2015x; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property command_AddPOC to command AddPOC; modify menu POCToolbar add command AddPOC; ### 为Relationship创建时触发的Trigger,但是这个需求中没有使用起来 add bus "eService Trigger Program Parameters" "SxCreateAction" "-" description "create Action" policy "Business Rule" "eService Program Argument 1" "${FROMOBJECTID}" "eService Program Argument 2" "${TOOBJECTID}" vault "eService Administration" "eService Program Name" "SxChange" "eService Sequence Number" 1 "eService Method Name" "insertOrderValue" current Active; ###modify relationship 'POCToProcess' add Trigger create action emxTriggerManager input 'SxCreateAction'; ###modify relationship 'POCToProcess' add Trigger create action emxTriggerManager input ''; ### 编辑按钮 add command 'editPOC' description 'editPOC' label 'emxSxCentral.Label.editPOC' href 'javascript:editMode()' setting 'Registered Suite' 'SxCentral' property application value Framework property 'installed date' value '09/08/2015 12:00:00 PM' property installer value dastc property 'original name' value editPOC property version value V6R2015x; mod prog eServiceSchemaVariableMapping.tcl add property command_editPOC to command editPOC; modify menu POCToolbar add command editPOC; ###创建Trigger自动命名 add bus "eService Number Generator" "type_CheckPOC" "" policy "eService Object Generator" vault "eService Administration" Description "" "eService Next Number" "00000001"; add bus "eService Object Generator" "type_CheckPOC" "" policy "eService Object Generator" vault "eService Administration" "eService Safety Policy" "policy_PocPolicy" "eService Processing Time Limit" "60" "eService Safety Vault" "Vault_eServiceAdministration" "eService Retry Count" "5" "eService Retry Delay" "1000" "eService Name Suffix" " " "eService Name Prefix" "PocPolicy-"; add connection "eService Number Generator" from "eService Object Generator" "type_CheckPOC" "" to "eService Number Generator" "type_CheckPOC" "" ;