You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

541 lines
22 KiB

(function () {
"use strict";
var t = {
68332: function (t, e, l) {
var n = l(66848),
a = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
l = t._self._c || e;
return l("div", {
attrs: {
id: "app"
}, [l("HelloWorld"), l("TestElementUi"), l("TestTdesignUi")], 1)
o = [],
s = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
l = t._self._c || e;
return l("section", [l("b-field", {
attrs: {
grouped: "",
"group-multiline": ""
}, [l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isBordered,
callback: function (e) {
t.isBordered = e
expression: "isBordered"
}, [t._v("Bordered")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isStriped,
callback: function (e) {
t.isStriped = e
expression: "isStriped"
}, [t._v("Striped")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isNarrowed,
callback: function (e) {
t.isNarrowed = e
expression: "isNarrowed"
}, [t._v("Narrowed")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isHoverable,
callback: function (e) {
t.isHoverable = e
expression: "isHoverable"
}, [t._v("Hoverable")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isFocusable,
callback: function (e) {
t.isFocusable = e
expression: "isFocusable"
}, [t._v("Focusable")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isLoading,
callback: function (e) {
t.isLoading = e
expression: "isLoading"
}, [t._v("Loading state")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.isEmpty,
callback: function (e) {
t.isEmpty = e
expression: "isEmpty"
}, [t._v("Empty")])], 1), l("div", {
staticClass: "control"
}, [l("b-switch", {
model: {
value: t.hasMobileCards,
callback: function (e) {
t.hasMobileCards = e
expression: "hasMobileCards"
}, [t._v("Mobile cards "), l("small", [t._v("(collapsed rows)")])])], 1)]), l("b-table", {
attrs: {
data: t.isEmpty ? [] :,
bordered: t.isBordered,
striped: t.isStriped,
narrowed: t.isNarrowed,
hoverable: t.isHoverable,
loading: t.isLoading,
focusable: t.isFocusable,
"mobile-cards": t.hasMobileCards
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "empty",
fn: function () {
return [l("div", {
staticClass: "has-text-centered"
}, [t._v("No records")])]
proxy: !0
}, [l("b-table-column", {
attrs: {
field: "id",
label: "ID",
width: "40",
"td-attrs": t.columnTdAttrs,
numeric: ""
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "default",
fn: function (e) {
return [t._v(" " + t._s( + " ")]
}), l("b-table-column", {
attrs: {
field: "name",
label: "name",
"td-attrs": t.columnTdAttrs
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "default",
fn: function (e) {
return [t._v(" " + t._s( + " ")]
}), l("b-table-column", {
attrs: {
field: "type",
label: "type",
"td-attrs": t.columnTdAttrs
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "default",
fn: function (e) {
return [t._v(" " + t._s(e.row.type) + " ")]
})], 1)], 1)
r = [],
i = (l(44114), {
data() {
const t = [];
return {
data: t,
isEmpty: !1,
isBordered: !1,
isStriped: !1,
isNarrowed: !1,
isHoverable: !1,
isFocusable: !1,
isLoading: !1,
hasMobileCards: !0
mounted() {
this.axios.get("").then((t => {
let e =,
l = e.split("\n"),
n = [];
for (let a = 0; a < l.length; a++) {
const t = l[a],
e = t.split("|"),
o = {}; = e[4], = e[5], o.type = e[3], n.push(o)
} = n
methods: {
dateThAttrs(t) {
return "Date" === t.label ? {
title: 'This title is sponsored by "th-attrs" prop',
class: "has-text-success"
} : null
columnTdAttrs(t, e) {
return "Total" === ? "ID" === e.label ? {
colspan: 4,
class: "has-text-weight-bold",
style: {
"text-align": "left !important"
} : "Gender" === e.label ? {
class: "has-text-weight-semibold"
} : {
style: {
display: "none"
} : null
c = i,
d = l(81656),
u = (0, d.A)(c, s, r, !1, null, null, null),
p = u.exports,
f = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
l = t._self._c || e;
return l("el-table", {
staticStyle: {
width: "100%"
attrs: {
data: t.tableData,
"row-class-name": t.tableRowClassName
}, [l("el-table-column", {
attrs: {
prop: "id",
label: "ID",
width: "180"
}), l("el-table-column", {
attrs: {
prop: "name",
label: "姓名",
width: "180"
}), l("el-table-column", {
attrs: {
prop: "type",
label: "类型"
})], 1)
b = [],
m = {
methods: {
row: t,
rowIndex: e
}) {
return 1 === e ? (console.log(t), "warning-row") : 3 === e ? (console.log(t), "success-row") : ""
data() {
return {
tableData: []
mounted() {
this.axios.get("").then((t => {
let e =,
l = e.split("\n"),
n = [];
for (let a = 0; a < l.length; a++) {
const t = l[a],
e = t.split("|"),
o = {}; = e[4], = e[5], o.type = e[3], n.push(o)
this.tableData = n
h = m,
v = (0, d.A)(h, f, b, !1, null, null, null),
y = v.exports,
w = function () {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
l = t._self._c || e;
return l("t-table", {
attrs: {
columns: t.columns,
rowKey: "property",
lazyLoad: ""
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "title-slot-name",
fn: function () {
return [l("user-circle-icon"), t._v(" 类型 ")]
proxy: !0
g = [],
_ = l(8601),
x = l(98981),
C = l(87203),
T = l(80185);
const k = [];
for (let U = 0; U < 5; U++) k.push({
index: U + 1,
applicant: ["贾明", "张三", "王芳"][U % 3],
status: U % 3,
channel: ["电子签署", "纸质签署", "纸质签署"][U % 3],
detail: {
email: ["", "", ""][U % 3]
matters: ["宣传物料制作费用", "algolia 服务报销", "相关周边制作费", "激励奖品快递费"][U % 4],
time: [2, 3, 1, 4][U % 4],
createTime: ["2022-01-01", "2022-02-01", "2022-03-01", "2022-04-01", "2022-05-01"][U % 4]
const A = [{
colKey: "applicant",
title: "title-slot-name",
width: 120
}, {
colKey: "matters",
title: (t, {
colIndex: e
}) => t("b", {
style: "font-wight: bold"
}, [
["", "申请事项"][e]
}, {
colKey: "status",
title: "审批状态",
width: 120,
cell: (t, {
row: e
}) => {
const l = {
0: {
label: "审批通过",
theme: "success",
icon: t(_.A)
1: {
label: "审批失败",
theme: "danger",
icon: t(x.A)
2: {
label: "审批过期",
theme: "warning",
icon: t(C.A)
return t("t-tag", {
attrs: {
shape: "round",
theme: l[e.status].theme,
variant: "light-outline"
}, [l[e.status].icon, l[e.status].label])
}, {
title: "邮箱地址",
colKey: "",
width: 200
}, {
colKey: "createTime",
render(t, e) {
const {
type: l,
row: n,
col: a
} = e;
return {
title: "申请时间",
cell: n && n[a.colKey]
} [l]
var S = {
components: {
UserCircleIcon: T.A
data() {
return {
data: k,
columns: A
O = S,
E = (0, d.A)(O, w, g, !1, null, null, null),
F = E.exports,
M = {
name: "App",
components: {
HelloWorld: p,
TestElementUi: y,
TestTdesignUi: F
N = M,
j = (0, d.A)(N, a, o, !1, null, null, null),
H = j.exports,
I = l(6079),
D = (l(18830), l(89143)),
K = l.n(D),
L = l(60523),
B = (l(91457), l(94373));
n["default"].use(L.Ay), n["default"].use(K()), n["default"].use(I.Ay), n["default"].config.productionTip = !1, n["default"].prototype.axios = B.A, new n["default"]({
render: t => t(H)
e = {};
function l(n) {
var a = e[n];
if (void 0 !== a) return a.exports;
var o = e[n] = {
id: n,
loaded: !1,
exports: {}
return t[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, l), o.loaded = !0, o.exports
l.m = t,
function () {
l.amdO = {}
function () {
var t = [];
l.O = function (e, n, a, o) {
if (!n) {
var s = 1 / 0;
for (d = 0; d < t.length; d++) {
n = t[d][0], a = t[d][1], o = t[d][2];
for (var r = !0, i = 0; i < n.length; i++)(!1 & o || s >= o) && Object.keys(l.O).every((function (t) {
return l.O[t](n[i])
})) ? n.splice(i--, 1) : (r = !1, o < s && (s = o));
if (r) {
t.splice(d--, 1);
var c = a();
void 0 !== c && (e = c)
return e
o = o || 0;
for (var d = t.length; d > 0 && t[d - 1][2] > o; d--) t[d] = t[d - 1];
t[d] = [n, a, o]
function () {
l.n = function (t) {
var e = t && t.__esModule ? function () {
return t["default"]
} : function () {
return t
return l.d(e, {
a: e
}), e
function () {
l.d = function (t, e) {
for (var n in e) l.o(e, n) && !l.o(t, n) && Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
enumerable: !0,
get: e[n]
function () {
l.g = function () {
if ("object" === typeof globalThis) return globalThis;
try {
return this || new Function("return this")()
} catch (t) {
if ("object" === typeof window) return window
function () {
l.o = function (t, e) {
return, e)
function () {
l.r = function (t) {
"undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
}), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
function () {
l.nmd = function (t) {
return t.paths = [], t.children || (t.children = []), t
function () {
var t = {
524: 0
l.O.j = function (e) {
return 0 === t[e]
var e = function (e, n) {
var a, o, s = n[0],
r = n[1],
i = n[2],
c = 0;
if (s.some((function (e) {
return 0 !== t[e]
}))) {
for (a in r) l.o(r, a) && (l.m[a] = r[a]);
if (i) var d = i(l)
for (e && e(n); c < s.length; c++) o = s[c], l.o(t, o) && t[o] && t[o][0](), t[o] = 0;
return l.O(d)
n = self["webpackChunkwidget_vue"] = self["webpackChunkwidget_vue"] || [];
n.forEach(e.bind(null, 0)), n.push = e.bind(null, n.push.bind(n))
var n = l.O(void 0, [504], (function () {
return l(68332)
n = l.O(n)